About me

About Brainflashes

About the author of this blog: who is BrainFlashes and why he decided to go public with his toughts.

Who is behind Brainflashes.com?

This blog is driven by me, Brainflashes (let’s call me BF 😊).

Who is BF? As per my short description: “PhD, Engineer and Researcher. Passionate about economy and finance and individual investor. Always looking with curiosity to the world, investigating technological evolutions and geopolitics. Searching the intimate sense of life and self-consciousness.”

Yes, basically that’s all that counts, but for sure it isn’t all about me 😊.

I had an education quite interesting, because I first completed classical studies, including ancient Greek and Latin, and then, when passing to the University, I decided to switch to scientific and technical studies. So, I studied Engineering, obtained my “cum laude” Master Degree and, then, continued with my PhD.

Once completed also the PhD, I had experiences as independent specialist, teacher and then researcher, finally orienting my work in the aerospace domain, becoming a researcher, system engineer and project manager in aeronautics projects.

Nevertheless, in parallel, I always maintained my curiosity for life and world event, for geopolitics, medicine, and a lot of my personal time was devoted to study economy and finance. In addition, my focus was always, as since the start of my life I would say, on the intimate sense of life in itself, trying to avoid being confused by the noise of the outside world.

When turning 50 years, exactly on my 50th birthday, then, I had the idea and the motivation to start the Brainflashes.com blog.

One important thing: I am not native English speaker, so please be patient with me and my articles, maybe my style will not be so good, but I hope the contents will be interesting and satisfactory for people wanting to read the flashes from my brain.

Why Brainflashes.com?

As I said, when turning my 50 years, I felt the desire of sharing with the world some of my thoughts, not on a regular basis but from time to time, whenever I feel the strong desire to communicate something (provided that I have the spare time to write the article 😊).

Indeed, sometimes I am impressed by events in the world (about many topics: geopolitics, life, finance, inner status, technology, science, …) and I feel the desire of saying something about such events.

Of course, nowadays people say whatever they want, whenever they want, on many social platforms, like Facebook and similar, but it’s not my case. I don’t use social platforms, I am not interested in communicating there my ideas and considerations about whatever I am interested in. This is because to me social platforms are more a means for egocentric amplification rather than for real communication. In addition, they don’t allow to write articles (maybe in this I am quite ambitious, too much… 😊) but only small pieces of rational or, many times, irrational thoughts and feelings. My idea, indeed, was the one of having a space on the web where I was able to express myself and my considerations about the world in a totally free way, a place where expressing my creativity and where proposing my point of view on the things that are interesting to me.

My hope is, of course, that somebody will read my articles and will find them useful in some way, or at least interesting to some extent. Indeed, from what I said before, the main motivation is to express myself and to create something from scratch, in a free environment, when I want and only if I want, writing for pure pleasure and passion and not for duty. This is not a job, it’s a hobby. Then, if this can be useful or interesting for other people, I will be more than happy!

I will extend this page when and if needed. Everything in Brainflashes.com is a living component, nothing is frozen: “πάντα ῥεῖ?”. It’s Greek: “panta rei”, everything flows, by the philosopher Heraclitus, indicating that nothing is stable, everything is continuously changing. We all are continuously changing, so also the page about BF may change over time.

For now, it’s enough… See you on Brainflashes.com! 😊


My inspiration

The idea of Brainflashes.com was inspired by a very nice guy (I don’t know him, but I regularly read his blog and I read his book): Sam Dogen, the “Financial Samurai”.

Here below the link to his blog “Financial Samurai: slicing through the money’s misteries” …


… And to his book ” How to Spend Your Way to Wealth and Freedom” on Amazon:


Both are worth a look, I’m sure you will find interesting things there. I found my inspiration to found a blog there 😊